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People Searches

Whitepages People Search makes it easy and efficient to search for people, addresses and phone numbers. All results include maps and driving directions.

Background Check

Whitepages Background Check allows you to search public records and get the most comprehensive criminal records and contact information on a person, including mobile numbers and addresses - compiled from records in all 50 states.

Reverse Phone Directory

Have a phone number, but need to know more? Use our reverse phone number lookup to enter a phone number and find the person's name and address.

Reverse Address Lookup

Have an address but need a phone number? Our reverse address search allows you to find a person's name and phone number by searching with just an address.

Find an Area Code

Search for Area Codes in the U.S. and Canada. All results include county (U.S. only) and time zone information.

Reverse Area Code Lookup

Find a U.S. or Canadian city by area code. Results include cities and states/provinces associated with a U.S. or Canadian area code plus county and time zone.

ZIP Codes

Search for ZIP codes in the U.S. All results include county and time zone information.

Postal Code Finder

Search for postal codes in Canada. All results include time zone information.

Reverse ZIP Code Lookup

Find the cities and states associated with ZIP codes in the U.S. All results include county and time zone information.

Reverse Postal Code Lookup

Find the cities and provinces associated with postal codes in Canada. All results include time zone information.

Neighbor Search

Find your neighbors' addresses and phone numbers.


200 million U.S. adults at your fingertips. Whitepages Mobile is the simple solution for finding contact info anytime, anywhere. The free Whitepages iPhone app makes it fast and easy to connect with people, find businesses, identify callers, and more!

Android Phones

Find out who's calling -- instantly! Mobile Caller ID is finally available for U.S. listings and display the results in seconds. Answer the calls you want, skip the ones you don't. You're in control.

Any Mobile Phone

Need to find addresses and phone numbers while away from your computer? Access our mobile-optimized site. Direct your mobile browser to: Whitepages

People Search by State

Use our state and city white pages directory to narrow your people search.

Use our state and city yellow pages directory to narrow your search for a business phone number or address.

People Directory

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